Windows 10 Launch: What to Expect and How to Prepare

So Windows 10 is launched at the end of this month and Microsoft is making it available as a free upgrade for users running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 and it will run on most PC’s brought in the last couple of years. Microsoft is hoping that Windows 10 will bring back users who didn’t like the stark change to the interface which was introduced in Windows 8 and also encourage current users to move on from the ageing Windows 7, Vista and the discontinued Windows XP.

Our Technical Director, Michael has had access to Windows 10 via the insider program so if you are thinking of upgrading here’s Michaels sneak peek of some of the new features Windows 10 has to offer

  • Multiple devices unlike previous versions Windows 10 will eventually be rolled out across all devices including phones, desktops, tablets and tablets. Although these will follow the PC launch it could mean that users could be able to one day manage devices and appliances across their home and will help push Microsoft’s idea of ‘one windows for all devices’

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Windows 10 will be available on all Microsoft devices


  • Start menu the biggest change to Windows 10 is the reintroduction of the Start menu. After complaints from users of the lack of one in Windows 8, when it was replaced by the infamous ‘tile’ menu, it will now have the ability to run apps in Windows on the desktop. The tiles do still feature in Windows 10 and they will make users aware of social media updates, new emails and weather reports.

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Windows 10 will reintroduce the Start menu but will also combine the tiles

  • Continuum in my opinion is one of the best features of Windows 10 as it will detect how the computer is being used and will dynamically change the interface depending on the device your using, for example on devices such as the Surface Pro when the keyboard is attached it will behave like a desktop machine with a mouse, but if the keyboard is removed it will automatically switch to a touch friendly interface.


When connecting or disconnecting a device Windows 10 will switch dynamically between a touch-based interface and a desktop interface


  • Universal Apps Another exciting and convenient feature which Microsoft has unveiled is the Universal Windows App, which is the new name given to apps downloaded from the Windows store. Universal apps will work on any device with Windows 10 installed including PC’s phones, table and the Xbox one, so for example if you’re away from your desktop and would like to make some updates to a word document you can simply update it on your Windows phone using the new Word app and once you return to you PC all of the changes would have been made and updated. This will also make things easier for developers who will only need to create software for one device.

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Microsoft has promised that Universal App will work on all Microsoft devices including smartphones.


Windows 10 is released on the 29th July and will launch Microsoft’s ‘Windows as a Service’ which promises to offer continued support for the lifetime of the device and improving it over time. This will be a change to previous releases and they will deliver features when they’re ready and not wait for the next big release.

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